LAYMANS makes it easier to start and service civil legal actions actions by providing you with a curated marketplace of tips, templates, and tools all seamlessly connected to take you from crisis to action.
Why fill out or pick a template when AI can do it for you?
LAYMANS turns boring legal info into living, breathing conversations. Add your voice with ratings, tags, and comments. It's law made social - and so much more fun than the status quo.
Our mobile app listens to you and figures out what legal papers you need and fills them out for you. No hunting for forms or fighting with confusing questions, just tell your story and get your documents.
When you're done you can hand off your document to paid service to improve your work. Or not! Your documents are yours and they're free.
Why spend thousands on marketing when the best clients can come to you?
Imagine, instead of managing many expnsive marketing tools you get a steady stream of on-point clients delivered to your inbox every week. So you can focus on helping not selling.
Did we give you too many awesome clients? Don't worry we can help with that too as all the services our clients can receive are available to you too: process servers, mailing, notaries - you name it.
The work you do with us builds your brand on and off the platform - on all your favorite socials. So that you can do good and feel good too.
Unfortunately we can't do it all so we decided to focus on the areas of most need in the American legal market.
Defect, Warranty, and Liability. Environmental and Housing.
Small Claims.
Divorce, Custody, Probate, Domestic Violence, Emancipation, Education, and Elder Law.
Insurance, Medicaid, and Medicare disputes.
Medical Discrimination & Malpactice.
Personal Injury and Tort.
Government Assistance and Benefits disputes.
Employment Discrimination and Reentry.
All information provided is for purely educational purposes, and not legal advice.
Layman's is not a Lawyer, we just connect you to the law.
©2024 Layman, Ltd. All rights reserved.